Funded by a grant from the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund, in association with the School of Arts at the University of New England, Writers and Illustrators in Residence brought three creators of children’s literature or media to Armidale, each for a two-week residency. 

The program ran from 2012 to 2014.  

During their residencies, each Writer or Illustrator conducted his or her own work, as well as conducting a number of workshops for members of the Armidale and New England community. 

The goal of the program was to support new and established creators of children’s literature and media, and to bring their expertise to the region to inspire and encourage budding local talent, through a series of workshops, lectures, talks, and classes, open to a range of audiences. 


Elizabeth Hale is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Arts, where she teaches English, Writing, Children’s Literature, and Children’s Media.  Her academic scholarship engages with children’s literature from 1800 to the present day. She developed this program in 2012.

Sascha Morell is a Lecturer in The School of Arts, where she teaches English Literature and Writing.  Her research investigates conceptions of race, class, and colonial dependency in literature from 1800 to the present day.  

Together,  they are fascinated by the creative process, and committed to the principles of creative outreach in the community.  

They write: 

“We are thrilled to have brought this program into being.  It comes out of a desire to support new and established creators of children’s literature (writers, illustrators, designers), and to expose their work to the community.  We hope that the residency program will enable our visitors to complete new and exciting work, and that in their turn they will inspire budding creators in the community.  We are extremely grateful to the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund, and to the School of Arts, and other Armidale partners for their support.”


The program is funded by the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund through a three-year grant.  The Cultural Fund supports a wide variety of projects which aim to encourage, and provide practical assistance to Copyright Agency's members and the Australian cultural community.

The School of Arts also provides support to this program as part of its commitment to collaborative and creative outreach in the Armidale community.


The program is run in association with the New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM), and in cooperation with the Armidale-Dumaresq Council War Memorial Public Library, the New England Writers Centre and the Armidale Branch of the New South Wales Children’s Book Council. 


Workshops, lectures, and other events, are offered at various locations around Armidale, and are open to a range of audiences, including the general public.  In 2012, these workshops included the following

• lessons in drawing with charcoal (NERAM)
• workshops on creating picture books (NERAM)
• working with storyboarding, understanding perspective and character (NERAM)
• engaging with digital storytelling (NERAM)
• professionalization workshops for teachers (NERAM)
• lessons in drawing with charcoal, in simple storyboarding (NERAM)
• public lectures on publishing work, and pursuing careers in the creative industries (School of Arts)
• visits to schools in the Armidale region, and to the Armidale TAFE
• public readings and storytimes with toddlers (Public Library)
